Monday, May 23, 2011

DCA Winnings

Just snapped this photo of Tess and Jazz with all their winnings from the Dalmatian Club of America's National Specialty Show. I'm still waiting for some pictures from the official photographer, but the girls are shown above with Jazz's second place qualifier in the Road Trial, Tess and Jazz's second place in Brace Obedience, Jazz's third place qualifier in Novice FAST Agility (also her NF title), Tess' first place qualifier in Rally Advanced A, Tess' second place qualifier in Excellent B Standard and fourth place in Excellent B JWW Agility, giving Tess a Double Q and her Master Excellent Jumper title. Whew! All that in three days.

The girls continued their winning ways this past weekend at CPE agility. Tess had 6 qualifying runs out of 8 total, and Jazz had qualifiers in Jackpot, Snooker, and Wildcard and finished her Level 3 Strategy Games title. Since Tess earned her CPE C-ATCH at the end of last year, she and Jim have been working on their CPE Agility Team Extraordinaire title (C-ATE). It requires 20 qualifying runs in each of the seven Championship classes, plus an additional 2000 points from any classes of the handler's choosing (qualifiers earn between 15 and 25 points, depending on the class), so it's a big undertaking. Tess has probably completed half of the requirements to date, so although she isn't recording many titles these days, she's working hard towards the highest title in CPE agility...and having fun all the time!

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